Thursday 26 July 2012

Batman, The Dark Knight Rises - Diary Movie Review

Sebenernya nggak ada rencana nonton, bayangkan hari itu tanggal 26 Juli 2012, dompet otomatis kurus kering, tapi sang adik bagai setan bertopeng manusia menawari pinjaman buat tiket nonton Batman The Dark Knight Rises (but then dead, ha3). Jadi nontonlah saya sama si adik.

Film ini keren sich ya, makin sini kita makin terbiasa dengan aksi2 tegang dari filmnya Hollywood, dan film ini lumayan tegang. Cuman menurut saya - ya memang sich, namanya semua emang gada yg masuk akal ya, tapi yang emang sedikit kurang masuk akal, dan sedikit brutal. Kenapa dibilang brutal, karena ada unsur2 barbarnya ; perang. Perangnya ngambil sistim jaman dulu, dimana pasukan masing2 berkumpul, begitu ada tanda, langsung serbuuuuu! Wah banget sampe Gotham Citynya ancooor.

Film ini juga agak belok2 menurut saya sich, itu mungkin karena efek teka-teki dari film ini. Ada unsur timurnya juga (saya ga yakin itu timur, bagian yg penjara sumur itu, timur bukan sich?)

Kalau adik saya bilang, itu jubanya repot amat sich! Hahahahaaa.... pas berantem sama si Bane. Emang sich kesannya rese ya, tapi itu juga yang bikin gagahnya si Batman, well..we cant change what's already in comic, right? Haha...

Aktingnya si Kayle (Anna Hathaway) menurut saya ga maksimal lho, apa mungkin karena dia terlalu sering maen film drama, ya? Tokoh lain, saya suka Alfred, dia yg perlente, dia yg beraksen Inggris, dan yg menganggap Wayne lebih berharga daripada dirinya sendiri, kek seorang ayah banget, kan?

Sisanya, film ini pantas ditonton lha, pantas untuk mengorbankan beberapa hal, seperti mengorbankan diri buat minjem duit demi tiket bioskop, dan semacamnya lha. Asal jangan tembak2 orang ajah.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Its When U Cant Choose

Aku inginnya bertahan, tapi bukan untuk diprediksi dgn siapa akunya nanti. Aku inginnya bertahan sampai tiba waktunya kupetikan anggur untukmu (atau sampai kau sendiri yg membuatku berhenti)

by Edobrith on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 at 15:44

Little Fella

Hey..litte fella!
I've been known u for a few minutes, u caught me, and I pretend nothing happened.
But we chat a lot, nothing seems to be wrong untill u finnally found out whats going on.
U know, u really got my attention and i cant take my eyes of u.
Wanna touch u softly, looking u directly, know u deeper, and talk with u longer.
Its a short time for u to get me excited to received ur msg, I smiled all the way but frown in our very last moment :-)
Well, time to face whats in, in our life.
Its been nice to know u, and I actually waiting the right moment, to get another changce.
Adios ;-)

Original by Mancheskorieva on Friday, 17 September 2010 at 19:54


Here where i stand,
u gave me happyness, so does the sadness,
to learn, to know,
to get better, or worse,
said i have so many options,
while actually all i can choose is just live,
live life..fullestly,
its a fake thing,
so we think our life is colourfull,
the fact everything's just black n white,
and in between,
look at me, while i look at u,
i stand for u,
i live for u,
i face the storm for u,
i walk for u,
i play guitar for u,
i sing for u,
i dream 'bout u,
i think 'bout u,
trying to find a way to get free,
from worldly,
from weakly,
from fantasize,
coz i've been live in it,
but world, look what u've done to me...

Original by Mancheskorieva on Saturday, 14 August 2010 at 22:04

Dear Father

I spend a little time, watch him when he sleep. Is the only time he can get relax and free. U never realise, there's a bit smile on his face. When he awake, he began another day, another life, another problems. 
He never tired, he cook, he work, he teach. 
He never ask, instead give, give, and give. 
As I watch him fall a sleep, I can't imagine life without him, my mentor, my guardian, even in 28..he still treat me like his special little girl, maybe 'till someone take me as a bride. 
He's the one who's gonna be the everlasting person that hold my hand, even untill I die. 
I'm gonna see him getting old day by day, with his hair that's getting white. 
I'm sorry, deeply from the heart, I still can't be what u want, the one that u can be proud of, the one that u can count on, coz I'm the one who still count on u. I'm a fool while u thought a lot. 
But I rather let my self bleed, hurt, broken heart, injury, or what ever it is, as long as its not you. 
I can't see u sick, I rather be the one who feel the pain. I want to share my age, let u see the world a little bit more even the world itself is not something that can make you happy. 
I'm just like you, hide my tears from you, like u always do too behind me. 
How can I have a one like u? You're a bless.. And I can't believe I'm the lucky one. 
Its enough to have you, just you. You make me strong and stronger. 

Kalo bahasa Inggrisnya masih salah2, tolong dibetulin yach :D
maklum masih belajar

Time Alias Waktu

Time..wont u stay here for a while. Take a rest, u must be tired working every second. 
Working so hard rotate the world. 
Ure uncompromise'able, u dont let me enjoy my moment by taking all joy so fast. 
Why u working so fast? Why would be 24 hours a day? Why would be 7 days in a week? Why when we blink, another year goes by, like u only taste it, even it tasted thousands flavours on it. 
I know u always try to give a leason to this lazy people, so they can appreciate u more. But Time, dont go so fast, be my friend. 

Tulisan seorang pemalas T.T

Original : by Edogawa Brith on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 1:20pm


Aku tau kmu dsna tdur dgn tenang, ga peduli seberapa deras airmata ini keluar, ga peduli seberapa sakit kepala ini mikirin kamu. Keegoisanku, kburukan pikiranku merefleksikan kcintaanku, cuma qt tlalu marah untuk sadar hal itu. Tp perubahan sikap kmu, hnya mncerminkan ktenangan kmu dlm khilanganku. Aq tau nilaiku turun dmata kmu, hal2 lama, ksalahan2 lama yg TIBA2 saja kmu jadikan alasan atas prubahan sikap kmu. Dmata kmu, aq sebodoh itukah hingga ksalahan2ku kmu jadikan tameng atas perubahanmu itu? Kmu bilang bhentilah bpikiran buruk tp kmu ga bantu aq merubahnya, krn kmu msh ga berubah. Kmu biarkan sikap barumu itu membombardir pikiranku, hingga racun itu tumbuh dgn sendirinya, dan tetap aq yg salah, pdhl qt berdua tau dari mana akar racun itu brasal. Apakah kmu mrasa kmu lebih smpurna krn kmu bpikir ksalahanmu lebih sedikit. Sialnya aq memang melihatmu lebih agung dr yg lainnya. Berapa ratus kali harus aq bilang pd diri sndiri, kalo aq bisa lupain kmu dan bangkit. Nyatanya aq sadar itu akan makan waktu lama dan sulit. Akan aq tunggu sampai mata ini tbuka dgn sendirinya bahwa sbenarnya hanya sinar semulah yg ada dmahkotamu itu.

Original : by Edogawa Brith on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 12:28pm
Reposting ajah, hehehe.. :D


Theres always apart of me that always wants to hear a melow songs 
When i tell the world i'm rock 
When i enjoy myself and learn myself better when i'm drowning 
I always cant believe how fast people walking and do something when i standing still 
They cant wait, they want to win 
So why not me? 
But i just cant control when others are trying to 
I cant do what people think i should, when my heart screamin say no 
Let me learn myself by doing what i think is right and even wrong 
I know some people might get hurt, but life is not about always beautifull or on the line 
Hey, you old fella! U forgot what it was like to be young 
Mention me what things u did thats broked the rules, and things u did that made us proud 
Bet u did both, so will i..! 
Wont u take a few minutes just to look at each other, the ground, and the sky. 
Put ur suitcase thats full with papers and things that burden u 
See widely, breath deeply, think positively 
Take off ur shoes and even ur socks 
Feel the ground 
Feel it when u can only see the sky 
We are under it, we are in between 
We are one in a million 
Let the mistakes united us so we can see the kindness of each other 
Take me as i am 
I'll take u as u are 
We take people as they are..

Original : by Edogawa Brith on Sunday, September 26, 2010 at 11:45p

I Called my Father Hagrid :D

Mudah2an.. Hagrid sudah membayar apa yg menjadi hutang dikehidupan masa lalunya, benih buruknya tersamarkan karena benih baik yg ia tanamkan, hingga hasil benihnya itu begitu penuhnya dan bisa ia nikmati direinkarnasinya nanti.
Setelah berjuang sendiri, puluhan tahun, tanpa imbalan, apalah yg tidak mungkin akan saya beri.. Tapi tubuh yg dihasilkan dari perpaduan antara DNAnya dan orang yg meninggalkannya ini, masih belum mampu membuatnya menyunggingkan senyum kebanggaan. Hagrid memberitahu kesalahan saya antara ketegasan dan kelembutan. Ia tau kenakalan saya, dan ia diam, ia bingung, dan ia menyendiri dikamarnya memikirkan cara menyadarkan saya bermalam2. Tapi begitu mengetahui saya sakit saja dia langsung bertindak.
Hari ini saya melihatnya tertidur..nampak lelah, dan tua. Apa yg tidak mungkin saya lakukan untuknya? Dengan pengorbanannya, masih pantaskah saya mementingkan kebahagian sendiri?
Dengan usia yg semakin tua ini, saya bharap..jalannya lebih panjang dari jalan saya, sehatnya lebih sehat dari daripada usianya, peruntungannya lebih baik dari apa yg pernah duga, hingga ketika ia meninggalkan fana, ia tersenyum, dan tenang..karena yg dhasilkan dan dkerjakannya semasa hidupnya ini indah, dan semuanya baik2 saja.